So one whole year has passed us by. Sometimes it’s hard to imaging and other times it feels like it’s been a hundred years. If you been following on facebook you’ll know that Sophie has been sick over the past couple of days.

Last night just before bed she gave me a nice present of a spew shower, it was quite impressive and required me to shower to remove all of the vomit. So this morning I took her to the doctors for a check up, she’s been very quiet and mainly has just wanted to sleep. The doctor had a look and said yeap just a virus keep her quiet and plenty of fluids and nothing to oily to eat.

Also means that the big birthday party we had planned for her tomorrow is now off, so we have a nice big cake with her picture on it, plus a large number of Easter Eggs, which were going to be used for the Easter Egg hunt at the park. We had luckily not gone to get all of the other food yet so that wont go to waste.

We are just hoping now that it rains so we can get our money back for the shelter at the park.

Sophie still seems to have a little fever that comes and goes, so hopefully tomorrow with a good nights sleep and some more rest she will be back to her old self. (old ? she’s only just turning one.)

By Andrew

Site owner

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